Help us WIN and DISCIPLE
Boot Camp for Evangelism Training
Equipping Passionate Men and Women to Win Souls for Christ
Duration: 4 Months Accelerated Program
Program Dates: February 20th to July 3rd.
Join the Fight to Rescue Women and Protect Their Children from the Sex Trade.
Little did we know, this evangelistic event would become the driving force behind the building of Cartagena Colombia’s sole rehabilitation center for women affected by sex trafficking.
Join us on this transformative journey as we bring hope, healing, and a chance for a better future to these courageous women. Together, we can make a lasting impact and break the chains of exploitation.
Through the grace of God, we have been blessed with a generous donation of $120,000 towards the purchase of a property just 90 minutes away from Cartagena in the city of Puerto Colombia. However, we still need an additional $300,000 to secure the property which is our first priority. We will need an additional $750,000 to construct the living headquarters for 50 women and their children, which also includes a chapel, a soccer field, and a school for their children.
Our vision extends beyond mere infrastructure. We have already engaged in fruitful discussions with the government, who are committed to providing us with legal support and work opportunities for these women upon completion of our holistic restoration program.
With your support, we can manifest this divine vision and create a sanctuary of renewal. Together, let’s empower these women, providing them with the tools, education, and hope they need to change their lives, and their children for all eternity.
To donate towards this cause, click here and write in the comments, “My Refuge Center.”
For more information about the center click here
Evangelist Steven Koko
4 Minute Video – 2014
Steve’s humble but large beginnings
– His Calling –

WHAT HAPPENED IN 2015 “Barranquilla Colombia REVIVAL”

Barranquilla Will Never Be The Same
20,000 Souls Saved
Churches Confirm Steady Growth
24/7 Prayer Move Still Active
Unity Movement Expands to 16 additional Municipalities
Still Believing For 1 Million Souls
20 Minute Video
Excellent Documentary & Testimony
– The Victory of God –
Barranquilla for Christ
The vision of one Believer and a willingness to be obedient to the Holy Spirit, produced revival in a very short time. The number of Believers who agreed and caught the vision, joined in and all were determined to see God’s plan manifest. Oh…
did it come together in a glorious way.
This video demonstrates that a vision is possible for unity and passion in Jesus Christ and to change lives for eternity in a city and nation.

Panama Now Belongs To Christ
2.5% of Panama Accepted Jesus
70,000 Believers Attended
1,000 Catholic Salvations
100,000 Student Salvations
Lowest Suicide rate in 7 years
Church in Colon formed a New Alliance
Governors and Mayors received Christ.
40 Minute Video
Excellent Documentary & Testimony
– God’s Plan –
Panama for Christ
There were many great Believers involved to bring this revival into existance. This move of God was organized and built upon the experience that took place with the “Barranquilla for Christ” revival.
Please view the video in order to gain a deeper appreciation for what God did through so many key Believers for the Kingdom of God.

Steven Koko with ‘Cities For Christ’ and Dr. Solomon Kepkey of ‘Go Missions Africa’ formed a new ministry called Nations For Christ as the result of the CFC Panama revival in 2019. They are co-visionaries with Nations For Christ.
Steven Koko and Dr. Kepkey united thousands of churches to pray together and prepare and conduct crusades.
They then trained up thousands in the region from all churches to evangelize and disciple new believers. They facilitated and spearheaded the actual works of evangelism and discipleship throughout all of Costa Rica.
For more information on NFC click here:
2 Minute Video
Recent 2022 Update
-On The Move-
Costa Rica Para Cristo
The initial momentum was impacted by the pandemic however recently many new doors have opened to Steven and Dr. Kepkey. They are now coordinating evangelism for over 255 schools for the next several months.
This is exciting to have favor unlike anything before with so many youth who will impact families and local communities for Jesus. It is life changing for Costa Rica.
My Refuge Center in Cartagena, Colombia
Cities for Christ has recently established a working relationship with the local and national government in Cartagena, Colombia for women and their children. These women will be rescued from prostitution and the sex slave industry, along with their children, and brought to this safe refuge facility for a new beginning in life.
This is a partnership that will benefit the local communities, their families, and provide a second chance for women who see no way out from their current situations and lifestyle.

Boot Camp for Evangelism Training
This is a 4 month accelerated Evangelism Training Program to prepare men and women who are passionate about winning souls for Christ. The program is designed to equip students to carry out effective evangelism along with a demonstration of power to their communities.
Mission Extreme TV Reality Show
Pastor Steve Koko is one of three evangelists invited to be a part of the first TV reality show that goes behind the scenes of a passionate evangelist’s life on the missions field that will do anything (to include extreme) to reach the lost for Jesus.
The TV has begun work to produce 12 episodes that will air for an entire season on major networks. There will be more details come forward as the season show is being completed per deadlines.
30 Second Video
Extreme Reality TV Preview