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Why Partner with Us | 2 min
This is just a quick 15 year review to show new financial partners why you may want to support our ministry.​​

Panama Historic | 4 min 35 sec

Panama was a sacrifice for everyone involved and it is the crusade that keeps on giving for the Kingdom of God.

Catch The Fire | 1 min 20 sec
People are reminded that time is short and the gospel needs to be preached and sent out like today is the last day.

Un-Quarantine 2 | 53 min 1 sec
Start watch video at 2:00 ~ Additional leaders of CFC on the mission fields sharing their updates in real time.

Un-Quarantine 3 | 69 min 56 sec
Start watch video at 6:00 ~ Incredible testimonies continue on with Un-Quarantine for Christ.

Un-Quarantine 4 | 43 min 12 sec
Incredible testimonies continue on with Un-Quarantine for Christ.

Un-Quarantine 5 | 49 min 1 sec
These are incredible conversations of the inside efforts of the missionsaries and what a typical day looks like.

Keys to the Nations |43 min 3 sec
Many testimonies carry on in this video and also includes the interaction with Reinhard Bonnke.

Student Salvations | 35 min
You will enjoy the conversations with Pastor Steve on how they were entering in with God and getting students saved.​​

Brazil Salvations | 4 min 28 sec
This is a fun video with Pastor Steve in his early days when he decided to enter Brazil and trust God for the outcome.

Love Never Fails | 1 min
Just a quick remember that the love of God never fails any of us as Believers in Christ Jesus. A fun quick reminder.

Day in the Life | 2 min 19 sec
A typical day in the life of Pastor Koko and his traveling team members. No two days are the same of CFC.

But The Decision | 3 min 21 sec
This is an incredible testimony by Maria Victoria and how they integrate and share the salvation of Christ Jesus.

The Harvest | 2 min 35 min
What is your passion? Think about the passion of Jesus and His disciples.

Leap of Faith | 1 min 29 sec
This was a trip years ago in Pastor Steve’s early days when he took a leap of faith to evangelize Brazil.

Destroying Strongholds | 3 min
This is over 10 years ago when Pastor Koko and his teams were tearing down strongholds with the youth in SA.

A Move of God | 4 min 53 sec
This is a Cities For Christ missions trip with powerful stories and miraculous salvations that are too many to count.